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「早朝と夕暮れは“magical time ”」~トーマス総支配人|栃木【Haga Farm & Glamping】

35万平米の森と牧場が広がる「Haga Farm & Glamping」。サラブレッドが疾走する姿を眺められたり、アウトドアシアターを楽しめたり。都会の喧騒が届かない森の中で、思い思いの時間を過ごせます。今回は、総支配人のトーマス・ザレスキーさんにHaga Farm & Glampingの魅力についてインタビューしました。

【目次】 ・トーマス総支配人のプロフィール


・「早朝と夕暮れは“magical time ”です」



Haga Farm&Glampingの総支配人であるトーマス氏は、日本での勤務経験が20年近くになります。




※レイワゴルフリゾートは、栃木県の「紫塚ゴルフ倶楽部」「つつじヶ丘カントリー倶楽部」「Haga Farm&Glamping」の3つの施設を合わせた複合型リゾートです。

Haga Farm & Glamping is his 5th posting in Japan totaling almost 20 years of experience working in the country. His first trip to Japan was back in 1995 where he was awarded a Fellowship / Scholarship from the University of Hawaii to intern at JTB’s American Travel Center in Ryogoku, Tokyo. Upon completing his degree, he moved back to Japan to work with the JET Program in Ehime Prefecture. From there he started his hotel career with Hyatt where he worked for almost 20 years at properties including Hyatt Regency Guam, The Lodge Chicago, Hyatt Regency Osaka, and Grand Hyatt Tokyo before accepting an appointment as Resident Manager of the Dusit Thani Guam Resort. Thom returned to Japan in November, ‘20 and is pleased to be part of the Reiwa Golf Resort team here in Tochigi as of February of this year.


――Haga Farm&Glampingでは、どんな素晴らしい体験ができますか?




また、栃木県では他のアクティビティを楽しむことができるのもいいですね。県外からお越しの方は、Haga Farm&Glampingから車で1時間以内の場所にある、世界遺産の日光や益子焼の里、ツインリンクもてぎなど地元の名所に立ち寄るのもいいでしょう。

Each person has their own way to enjoy glamping that varies with each group. I can’t begin to speak for all the groups that try glamping but a few examples include couples enjoy the romantic “camping” setting to enjoy private time with a loved one, families enjoy letting their kids explore the pool and activities on property in a controlled environment, outdoors people enjoy being able to enjoy a “camp” setting with the luxuries and amenities of a hotel, golf groups enjoy being able to get together after a round of golf (or the night before) to enjoy an outdoor BBQ with their friends and colleagues, as well as any number of other wonderful ways to experience glamping. We’ve recently had many guests come by to experience glamping with their family and end up coming again with other families to enjoy as a group. Additionally, it’s also nice to be able to enjoy other activities in Tochigi Prefecture. For those who travel in from outside the prefecture, it’s a great opportunity to stop at one or two of the local sights such as Nikko World Heritage Site, Mashiko Pottery Town, or Twin Ring Motegi, all of which are within an hours drive of Haga Farm.

「早朝と夕暮れは“magical time ”です」

――Haga Farm&Glampingでトーマス総支配人が一番気に入っている景色は何ですか?

景色というわけではありませんが、Haga Farm&Glampingで一番好きな時間帯は早朝と夕暮れです。


Not really a view but my favorite time of day at Haga Farm is early morning and right at dusk. Enjoying a morning coffee sitting on the terrace amongst the tranquility of the forest trees hearing the hoofs of the horses as they run makes for a perfect way to start the day. The same applies for an evening cocktail, just as the sun is setting in the West horizon painting the sky with pastel colors along with the smell of BBQ makes for a magical time.



Haga Farm&Glampingでどんな楽しみ方をするかは、お客様ご自身が決めるものです。乗馬体験、紫塚ゴルフ倶楽部でのゴルフと温泉、プール、アウトドアでのナイトシアター、芝生でのゲームやバスケットボール、または木々の下のブランコやグランピングサイトでリラックスするなど、様々な楽しみ方があります。

Our guests should decide for themselves how they want to enjoy their time at Haga Farm whether it be trying a horseback riding experience, golf and onsen at Murasakizuka G.C., swimming in the pool, enjoying night outdoor movies, playing lawn games or basketball, or just relaxing on a swing under the trees or at their glamping site.


電話:028-612-4053 (Haga Farm & Glamping)



所在地:〒321-3301 栃木県芳賀郡芳賀町給部313

アクセス:北関東自動車道/宇都宮上三川ICより約30分 東北自動車道/矢板ICより約30分



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